Friday, May 15, 2009

Hey Britt, Where's Your Beckpeck?

After spending 8 days becoming professional snorkellers we have finally landed in Auckland.. primed and ready for battle. We spent the first two days setting up a bank account and buying a car, and now we can take care of the little things like setting up this award winning adventure I actually just got a call from someone who wanted to give me an award for that last sentence I just wrote, apparently the internets is really fast in New Zealand.

We're going to have to get adjusted to the internet cafe lifestyle again. As I write this Tenny is sitting next to me cursing Flickr for making her create another unwanted email address, while some Korean guy playing some sort of video game explodes in delight. Check it out.. our first counterpostlink!!:

As you can see there are some beautiful images of Fiji and the 600 hundred times someone said Bula! to us (apparently that's Fijian for Aloha). Unfortunately we didn't get an image of the coolest thing we saw in Fiji, which was a 2 meter long Zebra Shark hanging out in the coral right off the beach of our first resort, Sunset Beach (big ups to Helene for the recommendation). It looked something like this:

You're probably wondering just like we were why the Zebra Shark looks a lot like a leopard, well apparently the Zebra Shark has stripes when it is a juvenile like this:..

which would explain the misnomer. Apparently taxidermists (ahh the good old days when people listened to taxidermists!) used to think that the two were a different species and when they were merged I guess the Zebra beat out the Leopard, which is highly unprobable in this day and age I might add.

Now check out a picture of this one, he looks so happy!:

Special thanks to the ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research for the enlightening photos.

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