Friday, October 16, 2009


The boring morning of yesterday surprisingly turned into one of the most fun nights we've had in Nelson at the beginning of the Nelson Arts Festival. Opening night is headlined by a kids masquerade parade, and last night we took our spot on the street for the main event. I think there must have been some kind of peace and love theme, which was interpreted pretty broadly by the teachers, but seeing the little ones from each local school in a different costume was indisputably adorable. Tens and I had a bit of a photo contest to see who could capture the moment the best.. let's see who you think did better.

Tenny Shot #1


Doug Shot #1:

Tenny Shot #2


Doug Shot #2

I think we all know who the winner is.. but nice try babe.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


It's official, today is one of the boringest mornings of all time. First it was the never ending rain, then a mad dash for a balloon boy that was boyless, and now I go to to see if there are any exciting sports being shown online to pass the time and this is what I get:

Some days you just have to get creative.. which means it's time to work on my headline collection. Ever since we got here I have been collecting amazing headlines from local newspapers, inspired by a headline in the Vancouver Sun before I left which read "Classy player ends career with class". So far my favourite, from a paper on the Coromandel Peninsula, is this one:

I'm hoping to make a compilation of my headlines and combine them with Tenny's ongoing collection of funny mailbox pictures to make a superbook. Kind of an encyclopedia of NZ culture..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Really.. that's offensive??

I could probably fill twenty blogs with the hilarious instances of racism (although admittedly not malicious) by unsuspecting Aussies and Kiwis, but this one probably takes the (lolly)cake. Apparently this week on the 'Hey Hey it's Saturday Night' reunion special, sadly not shown on our side of the water, one of the acts was just a wee bit offensive. Luckily Harry Connick Jr., a.k.a. Captain America, was there to set things straight. Here is the article from the Guardian, and if you are a glutton for punishment the clip from the show is here:

Personally I feel the worst for Philadelpha Cream Cheese, who had the misfortune of having their logo advertised right as they stepped onto the stage. But hey we shouldn't be too hard of them, it's not like they were highly educated or anything.